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Self-massage: operation, advantages and limits?

Writer's picture: AHPAHP

We explored learning to self-massage in a previous article, but what about the principle of operation, its advantages and also its limits? Let's see this in detail in this article.

Is it important for you to understand how self-massage works?

  • Honestly, no. Often, I rely on my experience.

  • Yes and no : I like to have an idea of the concept anyway

  • Yes absolutely, what's the model explanation behind this ?

How it works .

Let’s get straight to the heart of the matter.

If we consider a painful thigh or knee on one side versus the other. With equal pressure between the two sides, greater resistance will be felt in the fingers pressing on the muscle tissue on the painful side highlighting a problem

under the skin (which nerds in board coats call myofascial dysfunction).

Schematically, a contracted muscle can be compared to a swollen band, creating a knot, also called a trigger point. This contracted muscle therefore takes up more space in the volume that existed, leaving less room for blood vessels and nerves. The nerves send a signal of irritation, and the blood struggles to provide the necessary nutrients. In short, in general, it is at this moment that we start to feel strange things in our body: these range from discomfort of all kinds, from pain to sensations of electric shock and even tingling sensations.

In a previous article on learning, we had also expressed that these trigger points in the muscles create pain at a distance from this same point, often giving the illusion of joint pain a little further down.

Greater resistance will be felt in the fingers when pressing on the muscle tissue on the painful side highlighting a problem under the skin (which nerds in white coats call myofascial dysfunction).

The Avantages .

Still simplifying, self-massage proves to be a powerful tool for interrupting the vicious cycle in two ways. one by the action of mechanical unblocking at the problem location and the second by the specific regulation of the brain which receives information to be processed.

  • If we consider the brain as a central element, the first regulatory action therefore takes place on the periphery. Changes take place when we work precisely in the right place via heat, pressure, increasing deep sliding movements between the different tissues of the body such as the layers of skin, muscles, fascia which envelop like a sheaths each of the structures, muscles, nerves and arteries. Increasing the freedom of joint play (which often makes a cavitation noise recognized by an audible crack) can also contribute when combined with the rest of the techniques to facilitate the harmony of this entire ecosystem.

  • At the same time, the second level of regulation intervenes: each stimulation also sends signals to the brain. The latter therefore takes note of what is brought to his consciousness and the latter often triggers an effective regulation of tensions. This is why even if you press a point without moving, you feel it soften under your fingers. This is the regulation phenomenon that we will call central.

This dual regulation provides significant relief from painful sensations and discomfort. In the absence of neurological problems or overall health problems, generally interesting results are obtained, justifying the energy invested. Long-standing discomforts can be alleviated and improve daily life.

Last but not least, self-massage also stands out as the treatment of choice for intimate areas, avoiding the intrusion of a therapist while remaining very effective.

Self-massage also stands out as the treatment of choice for intimate areas, avoiding the intrusion of a therapist while remaining very effective.

The limits .

When considering in-depth self-massage, manual therapy techniques, or specific massages, it is essential to take certain situations into account.

The Absence of Major Structural Restrictions :

  • The structure is all the elements of matter that constitute the body

If the muscles have been damaged or operated on multiple times due to a serious accident or illness, they may be stuck or damaged without honest possibility of reversibility.

  • Self-massage and manual therapies then have limited benefit. It is important to understand the pain generated and assess the relative usefulness, adapting the approach accordingly without becoming stubborn or stubborn.

The Absence of Major Neurological Disease :

The body functions using electricity that travels to and from the brain through the nerves and spinal cord.

  • In the presence of neurological disorders, information does not reach the brain or muscles effectively, leading to various problems such as sensitivity disorders, changes in muscle tone, motor skills problems, etc.

  • The previously mentioned two-step regulation process becomes difficult under these conditions.

The Absence of an Acute or Chronic inflammatory state :

  • In situations of pain related to diseases like dengue, where inflammation is present, self-massage may not provide significant results in alleviating symptoms.

  • Same observation when I was writhing in back pain with no change in movement after one of the hip surgeries where I had plates removed. I understood a few days later that despite my gastric protector, the anti-inflammatories that I took at meal times as a “preventative” measure had caused ulcers in my stomach.

The absence of generalized cancer :

In cases of advanced cancer with metastases, manual therapy techniques and self-massage clearly have limits.

  • It is preferable to opt for very gentle approaches, taking into account the preferences and physical and mental availability of the patient in palliative care.

  • At the end of life, discretion, warmth and preservation of the patient's sense of dignity are essential (always respecting your limits as a carer). Interventions focus on comfort and well-being. It is also about putting in place what we can to leave so that we can leave as best we can, light towards the stars. It is often conversations with loved ones and discussions around consciousness that are of obvious interest or discussions around what I call motor persistence (when it is difficult to mourn the loss of one's motor skills).

In Summary .

We explored how self-massage works and benefits.

By identifying myofascial dysfunctions and acting with precision, it allows problems to be mechanically unblocked, while regulating the brain for effective tension management.

Despite its many advantages, self-massage has limits, requiring adaptation depending on the severity of the situations, particularly in the presence of structural restrictions, neurological disorders, inflammatory conditions, or generalized cancers.

Each case must be approached with understanding and respect, adjusting techniques accordingly.

To learn more about self-massage, click here.

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